Clavis Consults On Preventive Crisis Communication For 3 Zinnen AG

3 Zinnen AG is a public limited company with 466 shareholders and a dedicated team of around 285 employees. In addition to numerous mountain railways in South Tyrol and the province of Belluno, the company operates several mountain restaurants and bars, rental stations, ski depots and shops. Events are also organized. In view of these diverse activities, 3 Zinnen AG turned to clavis to further professionalize itself in the area of ​​crisis communication, with the aim of being communicatively prepared for a wide variety of potential crisis scenarios.

Objectives and implementation:

Together with 3 Zinnen AG, clavis has created a comprehensive crisis communication manual. The main goal is to establish guidelines in the area of ​​press and media work as well as online communication and to define the workflows of the communications team in crisis situations. In the event of a crisis, this enables rapid and efficient communication - an important contribution to minimizing potential image, reputation and economic damage.

The developed manual forms the basis for the subsequent crisis simulation. The interaction of the crisis communication team is staged and played out using a specific case study. clavis is responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring the training as well as the subsequent evaluation.

In order to successfully overcome a crisis, not only efficient crisis communication but also functioning crisis management is necessary. Accordingly, clavis' preventive crisis communication fits seamlessly into the existing crisis management of 3 Zinnen AG, which is managed by the company Securplan. With extensive experience in creating technical emergency plans for companies of all kinds, Securplan is a valuable partner for clavis.

"Since the beginning of our collaboration in autumn 2023, clavis has proven to be an indispensable partner in strengthening our crisis communication strategy. Their expertise and professional advice, which is tailored to our individual needs, have made a significant contribution to equipping our company communicatively for potential crises." - Laura Hitthaler, CMO & CSO

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