Carezza Dolomites Presents Its Greenhouse Gas Balance For 2023

Carezza Dolomites has been a member of Turn to Zero for five years now - a community of several companies that wants to promote effective climate protection. The declared goal of Carezza Dolomites is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the technically possible minimum through continuous investment. The consortium took another step closer to this project last year by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 498.6 tons of CO2e in 2022 to 466.2 tons of CO2e. Read more about the 2023 greenhouse gas balance here
Greenhouse gas balance 2023 for the Carezza Dolomites ski lift consortium, Karerseestr. 21/a, 39056 Welschnofen
This short report on the corporate carbon footprint (CCF) provides information about the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions) caused by Carezza Dolomites' operations in the year 2023 and is therefore an important part of the company's own climate strategy. The report takes into account the Nova Levante site in accordance with the operational control approach. With this GHG balance, reduction potential can be analyzed and effective measures can be derived and implemented, which will make a significant contribution to achieving the company's climate goals.
The emissions of all six greenhouse gases (groups) that are harmful to the atmosphere and defined by the internationally valid Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) are taken into account, converted to the unit carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) using the appropriate factor and assigned the Global Warming Potential (GWP) impact category. 100a shown in the unit of measurement t CO2e.
According to GHGP, CO2e emissions are reported according to Scope 1 (direct), 2 (indirect) and 3 (indirect from company processes or consumer goods). In GHG accounting, direct GHG emissions of biogenic origin (methane and nitrous oxide) are taken into account when burning biogenic energy sources, but the proportion of biogenic carbon in the energy source is not shown.
The consumption data from the 2023 observation period used for the calculation was provided by the company and is its responsibility. If consumption cannot be sufficiently determined, practical assumptions or average values are used.
Analysis of emissions by scope
SCOPE 1 - Direct emissions (58% in 2023)
Scope 1 includes direct emissions, which totaled 58% of emissions in 2023. A significant decrease in emissions from stationary combustion of fuels - from 18.2 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent in 2022 to 8.1 tonnes in 2023. The significant decrease in emissions from stationary combustion in Scope 1 was mainly due to the halving of the required attributed to heating oil. Emissions from our own fleet fell slightly from 292.6 to 281.0 tons, meaning that this category continues to make up the majority of direct emissions.
SCOPE 2 - Indirect emissions (0% in 2023)
Scope 2 refers to indirect emissions from the purchase of electricity and district heating or cooling. No emissions were recorded in these categories in 2022 and 2023, reflecting the full coverage of energy needs by renewable sources.
SCOPE 3 - Indirect emissions from business processes or consumer goods (36% in 2023)
The changes in the area of Scope 3 emissions in 2023 reflect a strategic adjustment of the system boundaries in the recording, which affected the values for food and paper and printing. These categories were removed from the CO₂ balance, resulting in a visible reduction of entries to zero. It is important to emphasize that this does not mean a physical reduction in emissions, but rather represents a change in recording and reporting methodology.
The total Scope 3 emissions were thus reduced to 177.1 tonnes of CO₂e, which corresponds to 36% of total emissions and represents a slight decrease compared to the 38% in 2022. The category of energy-related emissions showed an increase of around 8 tonnes of CO₂e despite the realignment of the system boundaries. There were no entries for capital goods, which are reflected, among other things, by the mileage of the vehicles for 2023. Accordingly, this value fell to 0.
The constant emissions in the areas of water and waste as well as the slight decrease in employee trips show that the company continues to pursue activities to reduce emissions even within the revised system limits.
Conclusion and outlook
In 2023, Carezza reduced its total emissions to 466.2 t CO₂e (93%), a decrease compared to 498.6 t CO₂e the previous year. The data shows that the greatest challenges and at the same time the greatest potential for reducing greenhouse gases lie in the area of your own vehicle fleet and energy-related emissions. Carezza should continue to invest in clean technologies to reduce these emissions and further optimize employee mobility.
In order to permanently reduce the GHG emissions caused or keep them at a low level, short and medium-term climate targets and, if necessary, areas of action and reduction measures derived from them must be defined based on the GHG balance. The company itself is responsible for ultimately achieving goals and implementing effective measures.
The Carezza Dolomites company has defined the following climate goal as part of its membership of turn to zero: The Skiarea Carezza consortium has been part of the turn to zero community since 2019 and is committed to the common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the technically possible minimum by 2040 .