Busy Beijing Week For Secretary General Sarah Lewis

The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games are serving as a major catalyst for the development of Winter Sports in China and a series of key activities are taking place this week.

FIS Secretary General Sarah Lewis is in Beijing for the Leaders Sport Business Summit China, during which she will moderate the panel session "Bringing Beijing 2022 to Life" on Wednesday at the headquarters of Sina. Fellow panellists are Mrs. Li Zhang, Vice President of IDG-China, Organisers of the annual World Winter Sport Expo BeijingSteve Dong Yang, FIS Council Member and Vice President of the Chinese Ski Association and Abraham Wang, CEO of Swix China and Organisers of the FIS Cross-Country City Sprint China.

The Get Into Snow Sports China (GISS-China) also features heavily on the programme this week and the core partners: the Chinese Ski Association, FIS and the FIS Academy convened on Tuesday with potential partners from the operational and ski resorts in a GISS-China workshop to progress the planning and implementation steps towards the launch for the upcoming winter season.

No trip to the Chinese capital would be complete without meeting up with the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games Organising Committee (BOCOG), and the meeting agenda will focus on last week's decision of the IOC Executive Board to add five new events in the FIS disciplines to the Beijing 2022 competition programme: Ski Jumping mixed team, Freestyle Skiing mixed team aerials and Freeski big air for men and ladies, as well as the Snowboard cross mixed team. The decision in regard to the Alpine Skiing programme in regard to the proposal for the inclusion of the individual parallel competition will be taken by the IOC Executive Board in principle at the end of the year. Specifically, discussions with BOCOG will focus on further information about scheduling, organisational aspects and the opportunities their inclusion will bring.  

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