British Tour Operator Interski Slashes 20 - 21 Programme. Starts Season On 6th February

British tour operator Interski has slashed its 20 - 21 programme as a result of Covid. The programme now starts on 6th February. They say:
As you will be aware, the situation regarding the coronavirus has created many problems for tourism and the general outlook for the industry is very uncertain with a rapidly changing landscape. During this time, the general advice from government has been very limited and at times, confusing.
We have been carefully monitoring developments and trying to understand the impact they will have on our operation and how we can adapt to ensure the safety of our clients and staff, whilst also offering the high standard of service.
After having carefully considered, the necessary steps we would need to take to achieve our aims, Department of Education and broader government advice, it has become apparent this will be exceptionally difficult. These difficulties are further compounded by a lack of time with the winter rapidly approaching.
Taking all of this into account, we have made the very difficult decision to reduce the length of the season and instead of starting in December 2020, we will commence our operations on the week commencing 6th February 2021.
As I’m sure you will appreciate, this is not a decision we have taken lightly and one we would be keen to avoid if circumstances would allow. However, in order to do the best thing by our clients and staff we feel this decision has been made in your interest and to provide some clarity during uncertain times.
We will be looking to open recruitment on the 21st September and instructors will have the opportunity to apply for teaching weeks that match your availability. If there are any teaching weeks that are not shown however you are free to work you can email your availability to be added to the standby list. Offers of employment will be sent out in mid-November onwards.
Over the coming weeks, if you log on to your members page to check all of your personal information is correct and up to date; and to check if any documents such as passport photo page, first aid certificate, DBS and CPD need to be provided. 20/21 instructor membership cards can be submitted once you have received them. Any changes to personal information and documents can be sent to Access to the website is temporarily unavailable however this will be rectified as soon as possible.
Please keep a look out for the instructor newsletters and on the website which will provide information regarding when recruitment will open and other key information.