Berlin Cable Car: Operation Secured For The Next Ten Years

The Senate Department for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection has secured the operation of the cable car in the Gardens of the World for the next ten years, until December 31, 2033. A total of 15 million euros are available in the state budget to maintain the cable car as an attractive means of transport and a direct connection to local public transport for the development of the Gardens of the World, the Kienberg Park and the Wuhletal. On this basis, the state-owned Grün Berlin GmbH and the Leitner Seilbahn Berlin GmbH have extended the contract for the technical operation by ten years.

Bettina Jarasch, Senator for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection: "For the past five years, Berlin's cable car has been an attractive additional mobility option for Berliners and guests of the city who want to visit the Gardens of the World. At the same time, it is a best-practice example of city-friendly and innovative tourism. In addition to a climate-friendly journey, the cable car offers a breathtaking view over the park and the city. But many residents also use the cable car to travel from Hellersdorf to Marzahn and back. I am therefore pleased that we can secure the operation of the cable car for the next ten years. On this basis, we are now examining ways of better interlinking the cable car with public transport.”

Christoph Schmidt, Managing Director of Grün Berlin GmbH: “More than a million visitors visit the Gardens of the World every year. In order to do justice to the steadily increasing number of visitors and to further develop the unique range of experiences on a permanent basis, the cable car is an important sustainability component. As a barrier-free and comfortable connection to public transport, it helps to reduce individual travel by car, especially on site, and at the same time serves as an attractive means of transport for residents.”

Michael Tanzer, Managing Director of Leitner Seilbahn: “We are delighted to support a special range of experiences and transport in Berlin with the technical operation of the floating visitor attraction. With our 17 employees, we ensure the smooth technical operation and maintenance of the cable car.”

With the start of the new contract on January 1, 2023, the operating times of the cable car will be further improved and standardized. From April to September the cable car now runs daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., in October from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the months of December to March, the operation takes place during the vacation periods and on public holidays from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Flexible extensions of travel times to events are still possible. In November, the operation of the cable car is interrupted as in the past due to the annual, regular technical inspection (annual revision).

Around 600,000 passengers, i.e. almost every second visitor, use the cable car to travel to the Gardens of the World. The technical ropeway staff is provided by the Leitner company. All commercial services including ticketing are the responsibility of Grün Berlin. The mobility and environmental administration is currently examining the form in which cooperation formats can be developed or further links with local public transport can be established. The Kienbergpark cable car station can be reached directly with the U5 subway line in just 35 minutes from Berlin Central Station and in 18 minutes from the Ringbahn. A total of 64 cabins take passengers from there directly to the Gardens of the World valley station on Blumberger Damm, 1.5 kilometers away.

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