Austria's Young Cable Car Workers Attend First Joint Apprentice Meeting

60 cable car technology apprentices and 20 trainers met last week for the first Austria-wide meeting of young local cable car workers in Area 47 in Ötztal. "This new initiative is intended to bring the young employees closer together, promote mutual exchange and at the same time be a thank you for their daily work in our companies," said Franz Hörl, chairman of the Cable Car Association in the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ).

WKÖ trade association chairman Hörl added: “Highly trained young people represent the successful future of the industry!”

In addition to exciting keynotes and news from the cable car industry, the apprentices' meeting was primarily about movement, action and shared adventures. "The location was a perfect fit for our young people - active, professional and full of drive," said Hörl, who stressed that Austrian training in the area of ​​cable car technology is among the best in the world. "This is also a key reason why skiing in Austria continues to be at the highest level and, thanks to first-class employees, this is also secured for the future," said Hörl.

In this context, the trade association chairman refers to the high popularity of jobs in cable cars in the course of the last employee survey. "The vast majority say that they do not want to change their job in the coming years and that they feel comfortable in their company. This positive mood was also noticeable all around in Area 47 ," explained Hörl.

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