All In – A Documentary About Women’s Experiences In NZ Snow Sports Industry Released

This 15-minute doco is presented by Cardrona and Treble Cone and explores women’s experiences in the snow sports industry. It features a number of Kiwi snow athletes including Freeride World Tour Champion Jess Hotter, Olympic snowboarder Cool Wakushima and Olympian/Big Mountain freeskier Janina Kuzma.
It is part of the resorts’ latest campaign which challenges the NZ ski industry to commit to equal gender representation in snow sports media. The ‘All In’ campaign is a result of the resorts’ realisation that only 29% of the skiing and snowboarding in their social media content featured women but 45% of their social media audience are women.

“At the end of 2020, our team took stock of gender representation in our social media content,” says Laura Hedley, General Manager of Experience for Cardrona and Treble Cone. “It quickly became clear that we were perpetuating gender stereotypes, often reducing women to ‘lifestyle’ content.
Cardrona and Treble Cone have committed to equitable gender representation in all marketing media and are challenging other snow sports brands to join them.
“We know that this is just a good start – it’s not all that needs to be done,” says Hedley. “We’ll keep asking ourselves and others the questions that need to be asked. We’ll listen, we’ll learn, and we’ll keep making change.”
“However, this change can’t be something we do alone,” she says.
It wil be interesting to see how resorts around the world and the snow industry responds to the challenge.