MND: Kazakhstan Tests Heli Portable Remote Avalanche Control System

A week after testing on mountain roads in the state of California (USA), the authorities of Kazakhstan have successfully tested DaisyBell, the heli-portable remote avalanche control system by French Group MND, a global leader in avalanche risk prevention and control.
The Emergency Ministry of Kazakhstan responsible for infrastructure safety chose the MND mobile avalanche control system to conduct field tests in five high-risk areas in the mountainous regions of eastern Kazakhstan, where 619 avalanche-prone zones have been identified.
Each year, specialists in charge of safety carry out up to 150 preventive triggers to mitigate avalanches in these high-risk areas. This year, in the regions of Almaty and East Kazakhstan, 26 preventive triggers have already been carried out, releasing a total of over 14,000 m³ of snow. To ensure the safety of mountainous areas in eastern Kazakhstan, avalanche barriers have been installed. Warning signs are placed in dangerous zones, with regular inspections and preventive triggers conducted systematically.
For the state services of Kazakhstan, MND SAFETY’s mobile helicopter-mounted avalanche triggering system offers the advantage of being highly mobile, enabling rapid intervention across multiple avalanche paths and zones located near roads and infrastructure, based on the observed avalanche risks. The DaisyBell helicopter-mounted system is the only one in the world to combine such precision, speed of intervention, and mobility. Using the DaisyBell system preventively will significantly enhance safety in mountainous areas and provide better avalanche risk management.
One of the key advantages of the MND SAFETY range is the complete safety of its users during field deployment. The systems are triggered using gas mixture explosion technology via remote activation. They do not involve any explosives, eliminating the need for handling explosive charges or human intervention in avalanche-prone areas.
In France, the Chamonix Valley is equipped with DaisyBell helicopter-mounted systems by MND SAFETY to secure access to the Mont Blanc tunnel on the French side, as well as to ensure safety at various points across the ski area.