Sunkid Undertakes First Project In Armenia

Sunkid Undertakes First Project In Armenia

In the Aragatsotn region, in the northwest of Armenia, at an altitude of 1,878 to 2,850 meters, a new ski resort is being built - the Myler Mountain Resort. With a total budget of around 60 million US dollars, the final expansion stage will provide 100 ski slopes with a total length of 92 kilometers for all skill levels.

In addition to a total of 16 lifts for up to 17,000 winter sports enthusiasts, the entire complex includes many other places and areas for the best entertainment and year-round fun on the mountain - including all kinds of overnight accommodation.

Since the 23/24 season, ski beginners of all ages have benefited from three brand new Sunkid magic carpets of the current TYPE N generation at Myler Mountain Resport. These are available in lengths between 49 and 99 meters in the ski school area and on an ideally flat beginner slope.

The new conveyor belts are operated using a modern HMI display - under a solid, folding protective cover on the top of the control box - as well as a valley terminal with analogue controls including an emergency stop switch. An information board mounted above explains to all passengers how to use it correctly.

The tried and tested “Rufftop” variant is used as the belt surface of the endless conveyor belts – once with a width of 750 and twice with a width of 600 millimeters

The entrance area to the “Ski Club” is marked by an individually designed teddy bear design entrance arch from the Sunkid Sunny Stuff portfolio. Snow animals and colorful archways provide further interactive fun while skiing. Weather-resistant and tear-resistant benches and cubes invite you to take a break after or during class.

Sunkid is very pleased about the expansion of the target markets it has served so far - with Armenia there are more than 80 different countries worldwide. Many thanks to the trust the customer has placed in us.


  • Application: Beginner terrain
  • Length: 99 m
  • Belt width: 750 mm
  • Surface: Rufftop
  • Drive: 15 kW
  • max. speed: 0.7 m/sec


  • Application: Beginner terrain
  • Length: 99 m
  • Belt width: 600 mm
  • Surface: Rufftop
  • Drive: 11 kW
  • max. speed: 0.7 m/sec


  • Application: Beginner terrain
  • Length: 49 m
  • Belt width: 600 mm
  • Surface: Rufftop
  • Drive: 5.5 kW
  • max. speed: 0.7 m/sec

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