Aspen Snowmass To Install New And Improved Chair Named “Coney Express”

As outlined in the Snowmass Master Development Plan and advanced ahead of full plan review, Aspen Snowmass will put in a new high-speed quad originating from across the Snowmass Mall and ending at the top of Coney Glade. This lift will replace the existing Coney Glade Chair, and the new quad will be named Coney Express. The lift project has received approvals from the U.S. Forest Service and the Town of Snowmass Village.
Set to be installed in the summer of 2024, the lift will start spinning in 2025 and will replace the existing Coney Glade chair, helping to move skiers and riders out of the base area and alleviating congestion on busy days.
“This will be a game-changer for mountain access out of the Snowmass base area,” said Skico CEO Geoff Buchheister in a statement. “Thanks to the support of the Forest Service and the Town of Snowmass Village, we were able to fast-track this project and plan to install summer 2024 and open for the 2024-25 ski season.”
They say:
"Thank you for 38 years of service, Coney Glade, our trusty park chairlift The nearly 40-year-old lift will be replaced this summer with a new and improved chair named “Coney Express.”
"Installed in 1986, the high-speed quad is older than most who ride it. The terrain park it services is jam-packed with features from top to bottom, allowing for unmatched progression thanks to the hard work and creativity of the Snowmass Park crew.
"The future will bring more of everything we love so much about this lift. The bottom terminal will begin at the Snowmass Mall to provide greater out-of-base capacity and help alleviate congestion at the Village Express during peak times. It will also offer loading at a midway angle-station and unload at the same location—continuing to offer one of the best park experiences in the country and in the world"