Schladming-Dachstein Tourism Association Has Positive AGM

Those responsible for tourism provided a satisfied review of the past year and an optimistic outlook for the current year at the general meeting of the TVB Schladming-Dachstein.
- After a positive review, there was a lot of enthusiasm for reaching the “next level”
- Chairman Andreas Keinprecht: “We have finally established ourselves as a year-round destination”
- Key activities of the 10.7 million euro budget were presented
In addition to the approval of the 2023 financial statements and the discharge of the Commission, the estimate for the budget for 2024 amounting to just over 10.7 million euros was presented at the Dachstein Event Center Ramsau. TVB chairman Andreas Keinprecht emphasized the positive development of the region: “We have achieved quality optimization and established ourselves as a year-round destination by strengthening the low seasons, which is shown by the continuously high demand from guests from home and abroad.”
Keinprecht sees the region as a strong unit and is focusing on the next level: “The further development towards even more quality tourism remains a very important goal. The successful strengthening of the low seasons is very pleasing; in the months of May and June as well as September and October we achieved an impressive increase in overnight stays of 30 percent compared to 2018. The further expansion of the bike quality offerings, the modernization of the information locations and the expansion of digital information points are also very positive.” The TVB chairman also referred to an example of “promised and implemented”: “Our revived big ski opening was an overwhelming success. Superstar Robbie Williams’ double concert brought numerous overnight stays at the start of the season as well as an incredible added value of around 7.9 million euros to the region.” We are very happy about the trust you have placed in us,” said Keinprecht, grateful to those interested in tourism. Successful creation of added value and sustainable development of the region
TVB managing director Mathias Schattleitner was proud of his strong team and successful development throughout the region: “We now have a total of 3.9 million overnight stays per year. In addition to the magnificent ski opening, the renewed double night race with slalom and giant slalom on the Planai as well as the other major sporting events have enormously increased the international perception of Schladming-Dachstein as a top Alpine and Nordic destination. ” The successful measures to direct visitor flows and awards as well as the title of “Best Tourism Village” from the UNWTO for sustainable initiatives and regional added value are particularly pleasing. “This contributes to the further positive, sustainable development of our region for guests and locals,” said Schattleitner.
The focus was on the presentations of the five focus areas
. However, the actual main actors of the evening were once again the five team leaders of the TVB's focus areas. They gave the guests of honor and those interested in tourism exciting and interesting insights into their activities. Carolin Lang (Digitalization) presented the diverse possibilities and the already active use of artificial intelligence. She also referred to the positive development in accommodation bookings via the region's website (plus 100% in 2023 compared to 2019) as well as the increasingly popular “customer club” with now around 45,000 members (16,000 new members in 2023). Successful marketing campaigns, many flagship events implemented Andrea Schlömicher (Marketing) highlighted the successful strengthening of the off-seasons through appropriate 360 degree campaigns and activities in the convention area such as conferences. “We are also very pleased that we have once again found some new, strong partners and decided on economic cooperation. In the sporting area, we are gaining further international advertising presence through the head sponsorships of cross-country skiing stars Mika Vermeulen and Tamara Steiner.” Barbara Abel (Events & Incoming) reported on the implementation of several lighthouse events, the quality assurance and enhancement of existing events and the expansion of tourist cultural events. For example, the “Dachsteinlauf” newly designed by TVB achieved a record number of participants with over 1,000 starters. Very high proportion of regular guests, regional cuisine is being expanded
Michael Schütz (landlord and guest service) was pleased about the continued increase in the number of regular guests: “In 2023 alone, we honored almost 500 guests for long-term holiday loyalty. Our personal support is very well received by landlords in the region. We carry out over 100 coaching sessions every year.” Georg Knaus (habitat and product development) was also able to point to many successfully implemented projects, including the general renovation of the Ramsau via ferratas, the staging of the Wörschachklamm, the Haus-Aich single track and the implementation of new hiking portals throughout the region. “An important goal for 2024 is to further strengthen regional cuisine, also within the framework of events.”