Swiss Lift Co’s Consider Findings From Summer Inspections

The Swiss Safety Advisory Center also carries out a large number of checks in the summer to issue the "Certified Summer Operation" seal of approval. This gives the cable car companies important insights into how to improve traffic safety. The most important findings are usually explained in training courses. Seilbahnen Schweiz is explaining the most important findings here - the "lessons learned".
The initial situation
The basis for the controls for awarding the “Certified Summer Operation” seal of quality are the guidelines of the Swiss Cable Car Summer Activities Commission “Traffic safety obligation for summer activities”, which were published in 2021. These include general provisions on the organization and proximity of the cable cars, and special regulations for hiking trails, mountain bikes, via ferratas, facilities for independent sports practice, facilities subject to homologation, rental of means of transport and offers from third-party providers.
Selected findings from the acceptance tests carried out are presented below for specific areas.
Many cable car companies have defined the responsibilities for summer activities, including deputies, but sometimes the specifications are missing. In particular in connection with the execution of certain safety tasks, a clear definition of the areas of responsibility with the corresponding specifications is very useful, not least for documentation purposes in the event of an event.
Lesson learned: Create specifications!
Near lift stations
Hardly any crash sites or locations that are not safe from natural hazards were identified in the vicinity of the lift stations.
Lesson learned: Identify possible crash sites at train stations!
Hiking trails
Most cable car companies only provide access to the hiking trail network, as well as to the mountain bike routes. In some cases, the symbols and colours used on panorama and orientation boards and on flyers do not correspond to the official hiking trail categories of "Swiss Hiking Trails".
Lesson Learned: Apply symbolization of official hiking trail categories!
Via Ferrata
Some cable cars offer via ferratas that are maintained and monitored by themselves or by third parties. In this context, it should be emphasized that the rental of equipment already creates an obligation to provide instruction on how to use it correctly and how to secure it. It can hardly be denied that the conclusion of appropriate written rental contracts is strongly recommended, and not just for documentation purposes.
The via ferrata sets including the standardized helmet must be numbered and maintained and replaced in accordance with the applicable standards.
A corresponding agreement between the cable car company (SBU) and third parties is necessary if the SBU promotes the via ferrata that is operated by a third party.
Great attention must be paid to signage and information boards (including access routes).
Lesson Learned: Conclude appropriate agreements! Information and signaling!
Systems requiring homologation
Such facilities include summer toboggan runs, rope parks, flylines and Tyroliennes.
These must be certified by a recognized testing center. Certification cannot be subject to suspensive conditions. A report stating that the system only meets the standards after a certain measure has been implemented is not certification. Report and certificate should not be confused.
Lesson Learned: A certificate is issued by the recognized testing center and must be unconditional. A report with measures to be implemented does not constitute certification.
In principle, reservoirs are usually adequately protected. However, it is important to make a distinction between the use of reservoirs. On the one hand, reservoirs where careless people are to be expected, for example due to their location near the train station or paths used intensively by tourists, and on the other hand, reservoirs that are converted into bathing lakes. Stricter regulations apply to the latter.
Lesson Learned: Apply the correct rules, mark bathing lakes or reservoirs near the train station!
Rental of means of transport
Various companies offer scooter or cart routes with corresponding rentals. Here it is important to point out the importance of clear information, instruction, functional checks and written agreements. The same applies here as with the via ferrata sets: scooters and helmets must comply with the EN 1078 standard.
Lesson Learned: Information, function, instruction and make written agreements!
Closing words
It is worth taking advantage of the opportunity to obtain the "Certified Summer Operation" seal of approval. The audits carried out by the Safety Advisory Center allow cable car companies to identify potential "stumbling blocks" and to take preventive measures to counteract potential dangers.
The “Certified Summer Operation” seal of approval is a valuable and inexpensive risk management tool for the company itself. It shows that the company has checked its offering for possible risks in accordance with the applicable safety requirements. The fact that summer operations meet high safety standards can play an important role in the event of incidents.
Guidelines for summer activities & quality seal - Tested summer activities here