First Alpine Climate Summit To Take Place On Zugspitze

On June 27 and 28, 2024, the first Alpine Climate Summit will take place for the first time on the Tyrolean side of the Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain. The event sees itself as a platform for networking well-known scientists, meteorologists and international weather moderators with opinion leaders from science, tourism, business and environmental activists. In various specialist discussions and high-reach media formats, leading experts will exchange ideas on the key topic of "Our living space of the future" in discussions about changes, opportunities and challenges.

Renowned experts at almost 3,000 metres

The event includes various expert discussions with different topics, such as "Climate and Alps", "Climate and Communication", "Climate, Agriculture and Extreme Weather" and "Climate and (Tourism) Economy", on which leading opinion leaders will exchange ideas at the summit of the Zugspitze.

These include Andrea Fischer (glaciologist and current Scientist of the Year 2023), Ralf Roth (Cologne Sports University), Georg Haas (TV meteorologist) representatives of the state weather institutions, such as Marc Olefs (Head of the Climate Research Department at GeoSphere Austria), Sven Kotlarski (Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSchweiz) and Gudrun Mühlbacher (DWD, Head of the Regional Climate Office Munich), representatives of the Schneefernerhaus environmental research station Hannes Vogelmann and Ralf Sussmann, Norbert Span (meteorologist, geophysicist, glacier researcher), Silke Hansen (Head of ARD Weather Competence Center), Irene Neverla (media sociologist at the University of Hamburg), bestselling author Christian Stöcker (“Men who burn the world”), Astrid Steharnig-Staudinger (Managing Director of the Austrian Tourist Board), Harald Pechlaner (Italian economist and tourism expert), Reinhard Klier (cable car spokesman WK), Marcel Huber (Managing Director of SYNCRAFT), climate psychologist Fabian Hirt (ClimateMind) or the former EU Commissioner and agricultural expert Franz Fischler.

As part of the panel discussion "Climate protection as a human right: protest culture between borders, generations and good taste?", Rudolf Anschober, former Austrian Minister of Health and author of the bestseller "How we are taking back the future", as well as Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti from KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz (live), Veronika Kurz from the Last Generation Austria, Sofia Scherer from Fridays for Future Austria, Lena Öller (Protect Our Winters), Sarah Raich (Vice Mayor of Kaunertal & 2nd Deputy of the Climate Alliance Tyrol) and Florian Müller (CHG Czernich Rechtsanwälte Innsbruck) will discuss.

Information about the speakers and the current program (subject to change) can be found at .

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