Kohl And Partner Develops Analysis Tool With Brandworks Studios To Examine Tourisms Effect On Locals’ Quality Of Life

In some destinations, a conflict has developed between tourists and locals, which is increasingly perceived as an intrusive nuisance under the term "overtourism". But what is behind this highly explosive issue in a country whose prosperity is closely linked to tourism? Kohl and Partner, the renowned Austrian tourism consultancy, has developed an analysis tool in collaboration with BrandWorks Studios to examine the mood in tourist locations and regions and to determine the effects on the quality of life of the locals. The views of 7,052 locals in various tourist areas were collected and the analysis paints a picture of changing feelings.
Kohl > Partner is establishing itself as a leading consulting company in the field of tourism consulting and is setting new standards for European tourism development. With a team of 40 tourism experts at 8 locations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and South Tyrol, the company presents itself as an undisputed expert with impressive professional competence. Kohl > Partner's expertise extends across various aspects of the tourism sector, including market research, strategic planning, financial management, marketing, recruitment and retention, and the development of sustainable and innovative tourism projects.
Gernot Memmer, expert for destination development at Austria's leading tourism consultancy Kohl > Partner, sums up the results: "In most destinations, the positive aspects of tourism outweigh the negative ones. Locals recognize that tourism contributes significantly to the prosperity of their region or town. Nevertheless, the results of this study underline the need for balanced tourism development. The perceived negative effects of tourism on the quality of life of locals must also be heard and taken into account more. If the locals are doing well, the guest will ultimately feel good too."
Locals speak plainly: The top frustrations and enthusiasms.
The recently conducted analysis examines 12 quality of life factors and reveals the population's attitudes towards tourism in many areas of action for the further development of the quality of life in the destination. Frustration and satisfaction vary depending on the destination. Here are the top frustrations and the sunny sides of tourism from the perspective of the locals:
Top 4 frustrations:
1. Real estate prices: A full 44% of respondents are alarmed by the astronomical real estate prices. The problem of affordable housing for employees is also frequently cited here.
2. Traffic volume: 41% is burdened by the constantly increasing traffic caused by tourists, especially day trippers.
3. Landscape and nature: Concerns about the environmental impact of dense development, inappropriate architecture and environmental pollution plague 30% of respondents.
4. High prices in restaurants and shops: 29% also see the quality of life in tourist hotspots impaired by the high prices in restaurants and shops.
Top 4 positive aspects of tourism from the locals’ perspective:
1. Pride in where you live: 39% are proud to live in a region that others consider a holiday paradise.
2. Leisure infrastructure: A further 38% enjoy the diverse leisure opportunities that tourism has created. From modern mountain railways to first-class sports facilities such as outdoor pools and sports activities or attractive events that are also popular with locals.
3. Job engine: 38% value the valuable jobs that tourism has created in their region.
4. Gastronomic diversity: 32% highlight the rich gastronomic diversity with attractive restaurants, cafés or bars that tourism has brought with it.
With the LebensQualiMeter (LQM©) measuring instrument, groundbreaking concepts for places and regions can be developed and implemented. The relationship between tourism and quality of life in Austria is multifaceted and closely linked. Through a better understanding, the future of tourism in Austria as a holiday destination can be shaped in such a way that both tourists and locals enjoy the country's quality of life equally.
"In many places, the following applies: 'Attractive living space for locals = Attractive living space for employees = Attractive experience space for guests. It is therefore about maintaining or (further) developing attractive living spaces - desirable for locals, employees and guests. This is a change of perspective, because the needs of locals must also be a strong focus in holiday regions in the future so that the positive attitude towards tourism remains sustainable," says Gernot Memmer, tourism expert at Kohl > Partner.