Groundbreaking Rebranding For Kitzbuhel

A classic reinvents itself. Known for its rich history, Kitzbühel Tourism presented the comprehensive new look of the destination brand on June 20, 2024 and is setting new standards in alpine destination marketing. During the event, the whole of Kitzbühel was rebranded overnight in an unprecedented guerrilla campaign and now welcomes guests and locals with a new look.
What happens to the chamois?
There have been rumors in Kitzbühel for weeks. What will happen to the chamois? Where will the launch event take place and what are Kitzbühel Tourism's plans? Never before has there been so much and so intense discussion about a relaunch event as at the one by Kitzbühel Tourism. No wonder, since the logo and the chamois have not been changed for over 50 years. Suddenly anything seemed possible, every day there was a new rumor and there were heated discussions at the local pubs. Especially because nothing had been revealed until the very end.
“Something NEW is Coming” – but what?
For several weeks now, there have been regular references to June 20th in Kitzbühel and on social media with the words "Something NEW is Coming". A little later, promising video snippets on selected social media channels conveyed the same message. Regular newsletters to partners, service providers and B2C newsletter subscribers accompanied the campaign. The company's own landing page brings together all content and information. What the topic is and what should happen on June 20th, 2024 was not revealed until the very end.
The secret is revealed
The highlight of the campaign was the big relaunch event on the evening of June 20th in Kitzbühel town centre. Under the motto "From Tradition to Transition", over 400 guests were treated to an energetic show in the construction site of the Hotel zur Tenne. With Arabella Kiesbauer as moderator, chairman Dr. Christian Harisch not only presented the new brand identity. Rosi Schipflinger underlined the motto of the evening with her performance of "Kitzbühel, my star of the eye" as a modern remix and, together with DJ Marvin Aloys, thrilled the audience. The member companies of Kitzbühel Tourism as well as partners and tourism professionals played a special role here. As part of the personal invitation, they had received a puzzle piece as an entry ticket in advance. On the evening of the event, the puzzle pieces were put together on a large board and gradually formed the new Kitzbühel logo. "This small gesture is more than just pure symbolism," says Dr. Viktoria Veider-Walser. "Kitzbühel and everything it stands for lives from what our hoteliers, service providers and local partners make possible every day. Their passion for the chamois town makes Kitzbühel what it is and our brand what it stands for," Veider-Walser continues.
Paradigm shift marks pioneering role in destination marketing
Bold, cheeky and international: Kitzbühel's new corporate design has the design of a fashion brand and marks a paradigm shift in the brand image of a destination brand. Kitzbühel is the first destination ever to move away from the representation of natural beauty and natural elements and instead relies on a stylistic artificial design. The new visual style with striking, futuristic imagery is not only innovative, but also clearly marks Kitzbühel's pioneering role in destination marketing.
"With the rebranding of the Kitzbühel brand, we are redefining the future of alpine tourism. We bear responsibility for a unique tourist habitat and want to inspire guests and locals with new, future-oriented concepts for nature, sport and tradition and to set ourselves apart from the competition in the long term," explains Kitzbühel Tourism Chairman Dr. Christian Harisch enthusiastically after the launch event.
Dr. Viktoria Veider-Walser, Managing Director of Kitzbühel Tourism, explains the relevance of the relaunch: "A brand is more than a logo. It is a central instrument that provides structure and creates clarity. The Kitzbühel brand has a long tradition and is deeply rooted in the history of the city. The central element was and is the chamois - it has a strong external impact, is highly recognizable and embodies our identity. Nevertheless, prompted by large-scale surveys on brand perception, we saw the need to make the Kitzbühel brand fit for the future. Our primary aim was to pay respect to history and tradition and at the same time create space for new things."
The redesign has brought the classic features of the Kitzbühel brand into an international, future-oriented, groundbreaking implementation. Authenticity, excellence, progressiveness and pioneering spirit, as well as joie de vivre and sport, remain the focus of the brand communication, which is aimed at a demanding target group with a high affinity for enjoyment and excellence in all facets - be it in sport, cuisine, beauty & wellness or culture.
With "Your Time is NOW", meaning living in the here and now, the company is moving away from classic claims and towards a message that addresses the needs of the target group and positions Kitzbühel as an experience brand. A high-impact, geometric grotesque font also characterizes the new brand identity.
The new design was created by Brandpulse AG from Zurich, supported by a creative network.