Smart Pricer Develops Modern Pricing System On The Dachstein Glacier

Smart Pricer Develops Modern Pricing System On The Dachstein Glacier

After an intensive analysis project that included the evaluation of historical data and a price sensitivity survey, Smart Pricer, in collaboration with Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen GmbH, developed innovative product and pricing options for the new excursion offer on the Dachstein Glacier.

Summer 2024: For the first time, the ticket price for the ascent and descent in the online shop will be time-dependent, i.e. based on the time of booking. The focus is on optimizing capacity utilization, with the overarching goal of collecting data and thus valuable experience in sales and operations. These findings should further refine the pricing approach for summer 2025.

In addition to the new pricing, guests are now also given the opportunity to book a fixed seat for the ascent and descent in advance - the fixed seat booking. This brings with it significant advantages:

a) Minimize waiting times for guests.
b) Even distribution of visitor frequencies throughout the day to avoid capacity bottlenecks.

Smart Pricer is pleased to welcome another customer and is proud of this successful product and pricing innovation!


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