HTI Group Holds Summer Intern Event With Benjamin Raich
A total of 73 interns are employed at the HTI Group this summer.
Benjamin Raich welcomed this year's summer interns to the showroom of the HTI Group in Sterzing with his guest lecture "Change as an opportunity for success". The two-time Olympic champion, three-time world champion and overall World Cup winner in 2005/6 told the participants in an exciting lecture about the challenges he faced during his career.
He mentioned examples of his personal changes as well as the competitive conditions. "Trying out new methods and consciously reacting to changes are important foundations for long-term success - be it in top-level sport or in professional life," Benjamin Raich told the interns. "Anyone who is successful at 20 but is not prepared to adapt their methods risks no longer being successful at 30."
As a concrete example, Benjamin mentioned the material change to carving skis: within a very short time, athletes in skiing had to adapt to much shorter skis with a shorter radius. Today, the carving ski is an indispensable part of skiing.
At the event for the summer interns, Anton Seeber, CEO of the HTI Group, and Alexander Ploner, Head of HR Management, also took the opportunity to personally thank the young people for their commitment over the last few months and to wish them every success in their further education and professional future.
A total of 73 interns were employed at LEITNER, PRINOTH, DEMACLENKO, TROYER and LEITWIND in Sterzing, Bozen and Telfs this summer (high school students of all disciplines, vocational or full-time technical school students and students).
The interns took the opportunity to exchange ideas with Benjamin Raich at the get-together and were enthusiastic about the event.