Wiegand Opens Two New Plants In Mexico

Last summer in Mexico, more precisely in Orizaba in the state of Veracruz, the assembly of an approx. 550 m long Alpine Coaster began.

The extremely rocky and steep terrain presented the entire assembly team with major challenges, which also explains the comparatively long assembly time.

Mexico's first Wiegand Alpine Coaster was opened on January 25 and attracted numerous guests to the first toboggan run during the opening ceremony.

Just in time for the planned opening date on April 17th, another toboggan run in Mexico, the "Xcalibur Alpine Coaster" in Bioparque Estrella, was completed and officially opened with a big ceremony.

With around 10,000 rides a day, the "Alpine Coaster 2.0" type facility has got off to a great start - our customer and the guests of the Bioparque are delighted.

The idea for a summertime toboggan run came about as a way to continue our ski lift operations in the off-season. Company founder Josef Wiegand turned the idea of a summertime toboggan run into a whole new standard for recreational outdoor experiences.

Wiegand is known around the world as a trusted manufacturer of toboggan runs and suspended rides, as well as water slides and slides for children and events. Their innovative products are in use from the mountain ranges of China to European theme parks, to American ski areas, to shopping malls, playgrounds, and even cruise ships.

Thanks to many years of experience, Wiegand is are able to offer  customers customised solutions that improve the attractiveness and profitability of their facilities. They support projects from initial idea through to completion, and also offer reliable after sales service when the project is complete.

The headquarters of the mid-sized, family-owned and operated company is located in the Hessian town of Rasdorf, where they have enjoyed stable development for over 50 years.

For more information: www.bioparquemexico.mx/xcalibur.html

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