Forest Service Seeks Comments On Lift Replacement At Sunlight

The White River National Forest seeks public comments on Sunlight Mountain Resort’s proposal to replace the Segundo Chairlift, a 1950s-era lift.

Sunlight is proposing to replace the existing Segundo double-chair, which has a capacity of 970 people per hour, with a modern triple-chair with a capacity of 1,400 people per hour.

The new lift would be constructed within the existing lift corridor and would continue to use the existing top and bottom terminal locations. The upper 1,700 feet of the lift corridor is on the White River National Forest, with the remaining on private land.

Sunlight Mountain Resort operates on the White River National Forest under a special use permit. The replacement of the lift is within their permitted area.

The first phase of the replacement would begin this summer and would include removing trees to widen the lift corridor, constructing retaining walls at the top and bottom terminals, and constructing some new tower foundations. The second phase would begin in spring 2024 and would include removing the existing Segundo lift, completing the tower foundations, and installing the new Segundo lift. All disturbed areas would be revegetated.

“Before any work on the ground can begin, the Forest Service needs to complete an environmental review of this proposal,” said Aspen-Sopris District Ranger Kevin Warner. “Public comments about this proposal are a key part of the environmental review.”

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