Report From The OITAF Seminar @ Interalpin “Get The Most Out Of Your Ropes" Available For Download

Report From The OITAF Seminar @ Interalpin “Get The Most Out Of Your Ropes" Available For Download

On the second day of the Interalpin fair - a seminar hosted by the OITAF Study Committee No. II, Seile, was held in the Innsbruck Congress Center. The theme: "Get the most out of your ropes".

The chairman of the study committee No. II "ropes" Dipl.-Ing. Sven Winter moderated the OITAF seminar. As usual, the presentations were translated simultaneously into the 4 languages: German, French, English and Italian. The introductory presentation was given by Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Kühner, who took on the task of presenting the OITAF Study Committee No. II and giving a historical introduction to the lifespan of stranded ropes. He explained that the focus in recent years has been on rope inspection, and corresponding recommendations, Booklet 3-1 and Booklet 30, have been published for both the magneto-inductive method (2015) and the visual rope inspection (2019). .

The focus is now on the topic of rope service life.

A wire rope goes through various stages during its lifetime: from production to transport, assembly and long years of operation to storage. In each of these sections there are a number of factors that affect the life of the rope and therefore need to be considered when estimating rope life.

After a few years of operation, the question often arises as to whether the remaining service life of the rope can be reasonably reliably estimated based on the rope damage that has occurred so far - above all the number and distribution of wire breaks. Using examples, Oliver Reinelt (Fatzer AG, CH) presented a calculation method for determining the service life that has been used for several decades. It was developed by Prof. Klaus Feyrer, head of the Institute for Materials Handling at the University of Stuttgart, with the help of laboratory tests.

Other topics were: methods to improve the lifespan of the rope, splicing, advances in the MRI method and its analysis.


The OITAF seminar with the motto "Get the best out of your ropes" offered well over 300 participants high-quality presentations, which dealt with the various influences on the question of rope service life, which is important from a safety and economic point of view. A complete success!

Joseph Nejez

If you want to delve deeper into the subject, you can download the excellently prepared presentation documents in English here 

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