Change Of Management At VITALPIN

Tourism expert Theresa Haid has been the managing director of the alpine-wide network VITALPIN since 2019 and is now going into self-employment after several years of development work. The chairman will change to South Tyrol on a rotation basis.
"The 25 founding partners have become 140 international members over the past few years," says Theresa Haid about the dynamic founding phase of VITALPIN. The aim of the cross-border association is to show the importance of tourism for the positive development of the Alpine environment: "On the one hand, we wanted to show the importance of the tourism industry for our standard of living, and on the other hand, to make our responsibility and the change to a sustainable understanding of the economy clear to the public," emphasizes Haid.
Chairman goes to South Tyrol
Especially the negative reporting of last winter showed how essential it is to continue to combine forces for alpine tourism, to stimulate positive change and further development within the industry and to actively support the necessary change of perspective and generation. Together with Deputy Chairman Klaus Dengg, who has taken over the management of the association on an interim basis, Haid is pleased that, thanks to the commitment of the members, it was possible to initiate a rotation principle for VITALPIN. Dengg notes that this new model for the strategic and operational management of the association had already been approved during the course of the general assembly in May and that further details would now be worked out intensively.
Despite the new rotation principle, the association's headquarters will remain in Innsbruck. The chairman changes in a 2-year cycle between the VITALPIN countries.
Outreach initiatives
Klaus Dengg said: “I would like to thank the VITALPIN team, led by Theresa Haid, who managed to place the VITALPIN messages with a wide reach via various channels. The award of the first podcast for alpine tourism topics 'Be(r)gegnungen', started by Theresa Haid, as the best non-profit podcast in Austria shows how well and innovatively VITALPIN has worked in the past VITALPIN, like Franz Fischler as climate investment jury chairman and Felix Neureuther as testimonial for sustainability, is an example of this.
In addition to the "Be(r)gegnungen" podcast and the climate investment, numerous people in the German-speaking Alpine region were reached via columns in various media, at keynotes at events, in workshops and on the VITALPIN social media channels. In addition, the team around Theresa Haid acted as a mouthpiece with various campaigns for the needs of the Alpine tourism industry at local, Alpine-wide and EU level with petitions and letters of demand.
Haid emphasized: “Together with Hannes Parth and Klaus Dengg, as deputy chairman. as well as the many committed members who have worked with a lot of passion for this task and would like to thank all companions of the past years for their support.” She will continue to support the concerns of VITALPIN in the future.