Tyrol Tourism Reports Solid Winter And Good Summer Prospects

The comeback of the tourist region of Tyrol has been a success. According to the current tourism barometer, the majority of local businesses are starting the summer after a solid winter season with significantly more optimism than in the previous year, emphasizes Tyrol's governor Günther Platter in the run-up to the Tyrolean Tourism Forum on May 24th. Now it is a matter of consistently driving forward the responsible development of tourism, as laid down in the "Tyrol Way" strategy. With regional sustainability managers and a new, overall success measurement, the state is sending clear signals for the next stage on the Tiroler Weg.
“The tourism industry has been in an exceptional situation over the past two years due to the global pandemic. It was a difficult time for Tyrol in particular, as the industry is a key economic and prosperity engine for the state. It is all the more gratifying that, based on the current balance sheet, we can now say: Tyrolean tourism is back, the attraction is unbroken. A big thank you goes to the tourism professionals who, despite the challenges, made this result possible with great commitment," emphasizes Tyrol's Governor Günther Platter.
Winter: Stable finale, longer length of stay
Although a new lockdown slowed down tourism at the beginning of the past winter season and travel restrictions with many uncertainties existed, the second half of the season was quite satisfactory. April 2022, with 2.5 million overnight stays, was only 0.8 percent below the level of April 2019 - i.e. before the pandemic.
In the entire winter season - from November 2021 to April 2022 - Tyrol's tourism recorded a total of 20.9 million overnight stays (-24% or -6.6 million overnight stays compared to 2018/19) and 4.4 million arrivals ( -28.5% or -1.8 million arrivals). The length of stay increased in the past winter season and was 4.7 days on average for the winter season - the highest level since 2014 (for comparison winter season 2018/19: 4.4 days; winter season 2019/20: 4.6 days) .
Germany was once again essential for the winter balance sheet. 10.8 million overnight stays and thus around every second overnight stay in Tyrol came from a German guest. Together with the Netherlands and Austria, guests from these three markets accounted for three quarters of all overnight stays in the past winter season. "It shows that the focus on the local markets is the right thing to do with our marketing activities," Karin Seiler, managing director of Tirol Werbung, makes it clear.
The current tourism barometer, a representative survey of Tyrolean businesses, shows that two thirds of the businesses surveyed are satisfied with the economic success of the past winter, and 16 percent are even very satisfied. According to calculations by MCI Tourismus, the added value in the past winter season was 2.6 billion euros and thus reached around 80 percent of the level before Corona
Summer perspectives with a lot of optimism
Looking ahead to the coming summer season also inspires confidence. Almost three quarters of the companies are currently satisfied or very satisfied with the booking situation. This is a significantly better result than in the tourism barometer at the same time last year. At that time, only 50 percent were satisfied or very satisfied.
“It is gratifying that the holiday destination of Tyrol continues to be so attractive. Tyrolean tourism is successful because of its quality, hospitality and last but not least because of our beautiful landscape," says Governor Platter. "In addition to our guests, the local population in particular benefits from infrastructural investments, such as the expansion of cycle paths and the variety of leisure activities."
"The detailed analysis also shows the importance of the German market for Tyrol's tourism," explains Karin Seiler. "According to the tourism barometer, 90 percent of the companies surveyed are very satisfied or satisfied with the booking situation from Germany."
The Tirol Tourist Board invests around 5 million euros in communication measures for the summer and focuses in particular on advertising active recreation - above all hiking, cycling and climbing. In addition, Tyrol scores in summer with relaxation, enjoying nature, culinary delights and many opportunities to spend time with the family, says Seiler.
Responsible tourism development: Tyrol takes further measures
Pure overnight stays, arrivals and added value are no longer the measure of things in Tyrol, it is about quality, not quantity. “With the 'Tiroler Weg' we have completed a change of perspective. Overnight stays alone are no longer a measure of success. But they are the basis for us being able to discuss the further development of Tyrolean tourism at all. Not only the well-being and the travel motives of our guests are the focus, but also the interests and framework conditions for employees in tourism and for the local population are of great importance. With this pilot project of a holistic measurement of success, we want to set a new benchmark in tourism development in the Alpine region," explains Governor Platter.
In Tyrol, so-called sustainability managers are anchored in the tourism regions. According to LH Platter, the creation of an annual sustainability report is ensured, which documents the regional development and ultimately also guarantees the comprehensive measurement of success. "The environment needs it, people want it, Tyrol can do it: sustainable, future-oriented and high-quality tourism," is the declared goal.
Mario Gerber, Head of the Tourism and Leisure Industry Division at the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce, is also convinced that this topic of sustainable management will gain enormous momentum, particularly as a result of the war in Ukraine and the associated consequences - keyword sharply rising energy prices: "We see that this topic is currently also being promoted in the Tyrolean tourism companies.”
Competition for labor is becoming crucial to tourism success
"A radical change of perspective is also needed in the future in the area of the labor market," Gerber warns in view of the ever-increasing lack of employees, especially in tourism. “This shortage of skilled workers is particularly noticeable in tourism because the industry has recovered significantly after the pandemic and the need for good staff is significantly greater again. If we can no longer offer some of the services at all, it will harm the whole country and all Tyroleans," says Gerber. “But I will also make one thing clear: whining is of no use to anyone. However, the whole country benefits from a self-confident tourism industry.”
In the regions and companies, an enormous amount is done and offered for the employees - from attractive staff houses to their own bonus cards with many discounts. "In the future, we will not only advertise for guests, but above all for staff," Gerber puts it in a nutshell. “Here we will improve communication even more and bundle and focus on work qualities more strongly and professionally throughout the country. However, this growing problem cannot be solved with campaigns alone.” It is therefore necessary for everyone, including the social partners, to come together to counter this deficiency. “The core task of Tirol Tourist Board is and will always be recruiting guests. In the current situation, the area of responsibility of the Tirol Tourist Board has also expanded to include recruiting employees. First and foremost, we want to get Tyroleans interested in tourism professions. Where necessary, however, qualified personnel from EU member states – especially countries with high youth unemployment – should also be motivated for a job in Tyrol. In addition, the red-white-red card should be further expanded and the contingent of seasonal workers increased,” said LH Günther Platter in conclusion.