Pitztaler Gletscherbahn Honours Long Standing Employees

As part of the official end of the 2021/22 winter season, the Pitztaler Gletscherbahn in St. Leonhard im Pitztal honored long-standing employees. Two employees retired after more than 35 years of service.
In 2022, seven employees of the Pitztaler Gletscherbahn will celebrate company anniversaries: they have been with the company for 25, 30 or 35 years, some even longer. As part of the official end of the season at the Pitztal Glacier, they were welcomed in the presence of Philip Haslwanter (member of the cable car specialist group in the WK Tirol), Niko Til (district manager of the WKO Imst), Christoph Stillebacher from the AK Tirol and Dean Paul Grünerbl (pastoral care room "Inneres Pitztal") honored.
First and foremost, works manager Heinrich Schranz retired after 38 years of service and machine operators Erich Koch and Josef Rauch after 30 years each. Plant manager Reinhold Streng was honored for 35 years of service, Sonja Neururer (gastronomy), Reinhard Santeler (machine operator) and Dietmar Mazagg (machine operator and works council) for 25 years each.