FIS Renames As International Ski & Snowboard Federation (Kind Of)

The FIS Congress was held in Milan (ITA) and many important decisions were made.
After nearly 99 years of existence, the world’s preeminent governing body for snowsports has a new name.
In a groundbreaking decision, the General Assembly voted to formally change the name of the International Ski Federation to be the International Ski and Snowboard Federation, finally including in its official title the discipline that has been a feature of World Cup action since 1994.
Since the acronym FIS is widely recognised in the world of international sports, the Organization will remain FIS, but now with “Snowboard” as an official part of the long-form name.
The history behind the name change is an interesting one. At the Extraordinary Congress in 2021 two proposals were brought forward to change the official name of FIS - with one option being the “International Ski and Snowboard Federation,” while the other was the “International Snowsports Federation.” Ultimately, neither of the two options could get the 2/3 majority of votes necessary to change the name, so the organization remained the International Ski Federation for this past season.
For the 2022 Congress, a proposal was put forward with just one option to replace the old name – the International Ski and Snowboard Federation. With just the one choice on the table, it was a clear decision for the delegates at the 53 International Ski Congress to vote for and approve the name change.
As FIS heads into it’s 99th season in 2022/23 and its centenary celebration in February of 2024, it does so with a new name and its eyes on an even brighter future for skiing and snowboarding alike.