Rescue Specialist Immoos’ Success Story Continues

More than 10 years ago, rescue specialist IMMOOS launched the self-propelled cable car SS1. The device has revolutionized cable car rescue and is now in use more than 2000 times worldwide. The first devices have now already undergone the 10-year revision.
In 2011, the Swiss rescue specialist IMMOOS revolutionized cable car rescue with the development of the self-propelled SS1 cable car. Although there were already similar products on the market at the time, IMMOOS placed particular importance on the weight of the device when developing the SS1: "Our goal was to develop a light device with the most compact design possible, which could be equipped with a centrifugal brake has a constant speed and guarantees maximum safety. In addition, we focused on the fact that the steepest possible rope sections can also be used,” says Sepp Immoos. The 66-year-old is now retired, but continues to work part-time for IMMOOS. Together with his older brother and company founder Beat Immoos, Sepp Immoos was the driving force behind the development of the SS1. "Around two years before that, we developed the first prototype, which was still too heavy and too expensive. Countless hours have been invested, individual components have been redesigned and manufactured, tested and improved again and again. We went ahead with the assembly until we were finally ready around 20 months later and were able to certify the device " recalls Sepp Immoos.
As a result, efforts were always made to further develop the device. For example with the SS1 Twin, which has an additional pulley and is therefore more wear-resistant, or the SS2, which can be used on rope diameters of over 60 mm. The latest development is the SS20 AWD, which was mainly designed for uphill driving and is even more wear-resistant.
The rope carriages from IMMOOS impress in the ropeway industry with their innovation and quality. In the meantime, the first SS1 cable cars are due for the 10-year overhaul. A few devices have already been overhauled, and fortunately it turned out that the quality of the devices is absolutely high and, as expected, only the rubber parts and the centrifugal brake have to be replaced. For the many customers from Austria and the other EU countries, IMMOOS set up a new service center in Schruns (Austria) last year so that the devices do not have to be sent to the headquarters in Switzerland for inspection. This prevents high freight and unnecessary customs costs. Proximity to customers has always been one of IMMOOS' strengths,
This year IMMOOS can celebrate its 25th anniversary. On February 1, 1997, Beat Immoos started his own business, after having worked as a project manager for the cable car manufacturer GARAVENTA for over 20 years. Immoos saw the growing potential in the area of cable car rescue and safety systems and skillfully filled this niche.