Skifi - The Future Of Free- Skiing? New Technology For Safer And More Enjoyable Skiing

For a long time, the free-skiing world has lacked modern technologies (IoT, AI...), which would help skiers prevent problems and boost their experience. The company Technologies for Freeride has decided to fill this gap. 

We are all surrounded by  smart technology that makes our lives significantly easier without even realising it. Isn't it surprising that almost none of this has gotten through the world of free-skiing so far? (Apart from avalanche transceivers, which work on radio frequency.) There are more challenges we have to face in the mountains, especially during winter, than in the environment we usually live in.

Now the new Czech tech startup Technologies For Freeride brings to the free-skiing world breaking innovation- SkiFi.

Their upcoming product SkiFi aims to combat ski loss, risk reduction, and coaching with ski data monitoring while being as light as possible.

“Losing your ski in powder is a nightmare.” Zdenek Zeiner, co-creator of SkiFi and a dedicated backcountry skier for 20 years, commented on his experience a few years ago. It was the experience that led him to the initial idea of SkiFi.

“I don’t want my experience to happen to me or anyone else again, and I didn't find any satisfying solution on the market. The development took us almost three years, but now we have a unique product and are reaching the endgame.” 

Zeiner explained his motives for creating SkiFi. This ambitious project requires the greatest professionals in the field. Zdenek assembled a team of top experts headed by mechatronic expert Jan Chalupa and RedDot-winning designer Jakub Stedina. 

The Faculty of Information Technology VUT Brno and one of the largest technology companies in the Czech Republic, Y-soft, also participated significantly in the project. The South Moravian Innovation CenterJIC is also considerably helping the TFF team.

The SkiFi project was accepted by the Czechinvest agency into the Technology Incubation program, specifically into the AI ​​Hub, which focuses on the development and application of artificial intelligence in industry.This program enabled TFF to finance the development of a neural network. This neural network will process data from the descent and ascent, which will be detected by the SkiFi module installed on the ski. How does ski coaching work?

Uphill and Downhill Ski-Coaching

Thanks to the data collection and analysis, SkiFi can also serve as a brilliant ski coaching tool. SkiFi includes a magnetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope. During ascent, it measures stride length, glide length, excessive leg lift, and ascent speed relative to slope gradient. SkiFi sensors can also detect the amount and type of movement during an alpine ski turn. The benefit is the improvement of the ascent technique and mainly the saving of energy, thanks to which the user retains more energy for the descent and can enjoy it more. Since most falls and accidents happen downhill, UPHILL SKI-COACHING and good climbing techniques can reduce this risk.

DOWNHILL SKI-COACHING aims to reduce the additional load on the slope. The extra load on the slope during the descent is one of many factors in the potential for avalanche breakout. And, it is far from the most important. But when we have already considered all the risks and made the decision "GO" and chosen the optimal descent line, the only thing we can influence during the descent to reduce the possibility of a possible avalanche breakdown is the level of additional load we apply to the slope. The smaller, the better. SkiFi sensors measure the angle, speed, overload in the arc and the extra load on the slope as a result. Put into practice: Sharp bends and sharp reductions in speed should ideally be reserved for gentler sections. Ski steep sections with as much flow as possible without aggressive braking. "Personally, I ski quite intuitively, and I don't always remember exactly all the passages after the finish". SkiFi is therefore an excellent training tool for everyone who wants to fine-tune their downhill technique with safety.

Searching for lost Skis

Communication between the locator (or mobile phone) and the ski module is based on bluetooth technology and AoA(Angel of Arrival). This communication makes it possible to find a lost ski in deep powder using SkiFi. Once you lose your ski in the powder, it becomes difficult to trace it as the fresh powder leaves no mark. SkiFi will accurately locate your ski and send the data to your smartphone or SkiFi locator with patented Angel of Arrival technology. You only need to follow the compass on your palm to retrieve your ski. SkiFi was born in a slick shape slightly bigger than a credit card with a weight of 75 grams. The SkiFi module also includes a Piezo siren controlled by an accelerometer. It detects a fall and activates the siren itself. 

This technology has also been patented. "The patent is the first small step, but for us, a huge success!" The ski module can be paired with a mobile phone thus offering a high level of user comfort.

Theft prevention

SkiFi also has other exciting features. The mechanism works for anti-theft as well. Once SkiFi detects unauthorised movement of your ski while you are at rest, it will activate alarms and alerts you over your phone. The skis can be locked via the application or the ski locator. In the event of unauthorised movement, the module triggers an alarm (siren), which can only be turned off using the application or the locator. The owner is informed about the triggering of the alarm via the mobile phone or the ski locator.

Easy Installation

It takes a maximum of 5 minutes. To use SkiFi, you only need to install the fixing frames on your skis via specifically designed glue tape. Everything you need for the installation is included in the package and has been carefully tested in the temperature range from -30 to +45 degrees Celsius. The mechanical resistance of the glued joint using double-sided tape is excellent.  After setting up the phone connection and putting SkiFi in the frames, SkiFi is ready to use.

“We have already seen what SkiFi can do. The data processing ability has huge potential, and we just need to utilise it.” Jan Chalupa added. 


Now the SkiFi team is completing the first production series. On 7th of December, 2022, they will launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogoin which anyone interested can participate and thus support this project. Distribution of SkiFi to customers will take place in autumn 2023.

“And the crowdfunding campaign is not just about raising funds, but also about knowing all the amazing skiers worldwide and their opinions on our product. I believe SkiFi can successfully fill the gap in the ski equipment industry as it can truly help skiers in need.” Said Zdenek.


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