Klosters-Madrisa Bergbahnen AG Invests In A Sustainable Future

The topic of energy is a big and also very important topic for a mountain railway company. The mountain railways, gastronomy and skiing operations require energy. "Especially in times like these, when electricity is becoming more and more expensive and scarce, we as a company have to rethink and invest in technologies that make it possible to produce and secure resources more sustainably," says Thomas Steinmann, CEO of Klosters-Madrisa Bergbahnen AG .
It is therefore a particular concern of Klosters-Madrisa Bergbahnen AG to produce more and more of the energy it uses itself and in an environmentally friendly manner in the future. The Board of Directors has therefore decided to install photovoltaic cells on the roofs of the Madrisa Alp and the Schaffürggli chairlift. Photovoltaic specialist Franz Watschinger, from Rieder AG, Felsberg, was commissioned to plan and carry out the work.
The system produces 210 kWh of electricity. This roughly corresponds to the power consumption for all our snow guns on the mountain. These first photovoltaic systems bring the company a big step closer to its goal of investing more in sustainability in the future and is the starting signal for further future projects and thus more sustainability on the mountain.