Deuter Receives "Green Button" For Its Sustainable Products

he Gersthofen-based backpack and sleeping bag manufacturer has been certified for its sustainability in accordance with the “Green Button” standard of the federal government.
The Green Button is the first state-monitored label for responsible corporate management and ecologically and fairly produced textiles.
Products with the seal introduced in 2019 must be manufactured in compliance with state-defined criteria according to the highest environmental and social standards. On the one hand, the Green Button checks how companies comply with their duty of care and, on the other hand, how products are manufactured with regard to the use of chemicals, environmental impacts and production conditions. A total of 46 demanding social and environmental standards must be complied with - from A for wastewater limit values to Z for ban on forced labor.
“The Green Button perfectly reflects our vision“ Together for 360 ° Responsibility ”for a socially and ecologically fair alignment of our company and our products,” says Marco Hühn, Head of CSR at deuter. "The aim is to protect people and the environment along the entire supply chain - from resource extraction to the finished backpack or sleeping bag."
The green button is visible directly on the product and is therefore easy to recognize for the consumer. “More and more people want to buy ecologically and fairly produced products. As an overarching state seal, the Green Button can provide end consumers with guidance when making targeted purchases, ”explains Hühn.