Goldeck Mountain Lifts Develop Basis For Further Developments In Tourism With Grischconsulta

Goldeck mountain lifts have developed the basis for their further development in tourism on the Goldeck. The present master plan is the result of a successful joint project by 13 communities, the regional tourism organizations and the Goldeck mountain railways. The phase of detailed and implementation planning now follows, strengthened by the cooperation.

Complex initial situation - structured approach

The conditions on the Goldeck for an economically sustainable operation are a great challenge. The current situation with the lack of access to the summit on the one hand, but many development opportunities in summer and winter on the other, required a fundamental examination of the mountain itself, but also of its stakeholders. The industry specialist grischconsulta was called in to create the master plan. The basics and possible development scenarios were carefully worked out in a structured process.

The investment planning and budgeted income statement put the business facts for each development scenario on the table and provided an objective basis for decision-making.

In addition, the tourism added value potential was calculated, which results from the increase in first-time entries and the construction of warm beds in the region. This made it clear what economic value investments in the mountains have for the region.

An integrated summit experience on the Goldeck

The master plan defines a coordinated expansion of the infrastructure as well as new mountain experiences and recommends the redevelopment of the summit, especially for the summer experience and the construction of warm beds. An integrated summit experience is developing into a landmark with supraregional awareness.

Thanks to the Goldeck, the region around Lake Millstatt and the Seetal to the south are to receive another highlight - with a radiance similar to the Granattor on the Millstätter Alpe.

Further strengthen the pooling of forces

The cornerstone for regional economic added value was laid with the Goldeck tourist master plan. The planning of the implementation now follows. In this phase, too, the key to success is close cooperation between municipalities, landowners, the mountain railways, investors and real estate developers as well as the hotel and catering industry.

The challenges remain great. Thanks to intensive cooperation, coordinated pooling of forces and the experience from the master plan, those involved are confident about the tasks ahead.

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