Grandvalira And Axess Innovation - Mobile Phone Becomes A Ski Ticket

Despite the current pandemic situation, which has prevented many skiers from visiting and enjoying the ski resorts on the Iberian Peninsula, neither the ski resorts themselves nor their technology partners have stopped developing their products and innovations. They will all benefit once the restrictions are lifted.
This innovation boost applies to Grandvalira (Andorra) and its partner for access control, Axess AG, which has been testing a new access control with Bluetooth technology on the slopes for some time. This type of technology is already present in all smartphones, and therefore in the pockets of skiers. The ski pass bought and saved on the mobile phone turns the smartphone into a ticket.
Axess is the first company to pilot a system of this type on the peninsula together with its long-standing Spanish customer Grandvalira. It uses the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) function of the smartphone and thus dispenses with the printed, physical ticket.
The ski area connects the ticket purchased online with the skier's account. This opens the ski area app upon arrival, activates the BLE ski pass service and can go straight to the lift. Axess access recognizes the phone in the skier's pocket and opens in a split second. Stress-free and contactless.
The cell phone is used for practically everything in our time, you can buy and sell online, watch the latest movie or rent a city scooter. Thanks to Axess, you can now ski in Granvalira!