FIS Working Budget 2020-2021 Approved
The Congress has the Authority and Function of: “Approving the budget including the annual subscriptions and fees” according to art. 13.2.3 of the FIS Statutes. On 31st July 2020, the Council approved the “Working Budget 2020 - 2021" of the International Ski Federation on recommendation of the Finance Commission.
As a result of the postponement of the FIS Congress 2020 until June 2021, the Council decided that the above statutory article 13.2.3 would be fulfilled by sending the FIS Working Budget 2020 - 2021 to the National Ski Associations to approve or reject.
The FIS Working Budget 2020 – 2021 was unanimously approved by the National Ski Associations by the deadline of 28th August enabling the budgeted NSA financial support for the 2020 - 2021 period to be paid out in the usual timeframe mid-September with CHF 5 million paid out in each of the two years.
The FIS Working Budget 2020 - 2021 retains this name in case that the Council considers it necessary to update it later during the financial period.
You can find the detailed documents here: