Bergbahnen Fieberbrunn Invites Small Artists To A Solidarity Performance Afternoon On September 27th, 2020.

Under the motto: " Lifts become the stage, mountain becomes the voice" , the Fieberbrunn mountain, in cooperation with Raiffeisenbank Kitzbühel - St. Johann and the PillerseeTal tourist association, bring regional cabaret uphill. "In the course of our Pride summer with the topics of tolerance, respect, cosmopolitanism, diversity and solidarity, we declare our solidarity with the regional cabaret, which has been hard hit by the crisis, and invite them to join us in creating a PRIDE OF KLEINKUNST-DAY ", said Toni Niederwieser.
Small artists in the region are therefore called upon to register and do something together with their colleagues. A jury selects a good mix of 20 artists from all applicants who spend an afternoon on the mountain and raise their voices for spectators and of course all other colleagues, sound the shawms and let their various arts do the talking ... The Pride of Cabaret Day takes place on Sunday, September 27th, 2020 from 12 noon . Starting with the ascent, a joint free lunch for all participating actors and the subsequent show act on the mountain, where everyone (musicians, singers, cabaret artists, jugglers, comedians, and many others) get their performance.
There is a fee of € 300 per person for all selected artists. In addition, all applicants are included in a list of small artists, which is then also advertised and thus could perhaps lead to the next performance.
So small artists: apply now! (up to and including September 18th, 2020 )
More information, conditions of participation and application at:
Bergbahnen Fieberbrunn GmbH
Christoph Heistracher
Lindau 17
A-6391 Fieberbrunn
+43 5354 56333 - 71