Kronplatz Seilbahn AG Restructures
At the Extraordinary General Meeting on October 30, 2020, Kronplatz Seilbahn AG and its 589 shareholders decided to restructure Kronplatz Seilbahn AG into Kronplatz Holding AG, with three operating subsidiaries.
Kronplatz Seilbahn AG has experienced constant, natural growth over the past few decades and has established itself as a successful and solid, but also complex company.
To date, Kronplatz Seilbahn AG has had a double function: on the one hand, the operational ropeway activity, with all its well-known and multi-layered business areas and investments, and on the other, a holding function as the parent company of the subsidiaries Kronplatz Gastronomie GmbH and Kronplatz Touristik GmbH.
On the occasion of the extraordinary general assembly, which took place as a video conference, a reorganization of the company was decided and the Kronplatz Holding AG was born.
In the future, Kronplatz Seilbahn AG will become a holding company with three business areas. All operating companies operate as subsidiaries, namely Kronplatz Seilbahn GmbH, Kronplatz Touristik GmbH and Kronplatz Gastronomie GmbH, under the management of the joint holding company.
The aim of the reorganization is to clearly define the entire structure of the corporate group, with clearly defined areas of activity, in order to be able to act in a more targeted, efficient and efficient manner.
In future, the newly founded Kronplatz Seilbahn GmbH, as a subsidiary of Kronplatz Holding AG, will manage the cable car operations with a slim administrative board together with the managing director.
The tasks of the future Kronplatz Holding AG are:
- Definition of the corporate strategies of the entire group and the associated companies
- Further development of the group by expanding existing and possible additional fields of activity
- Approving and monitoring the human resources, investment, financial and business plans of the individual companies in the group
- Management of the subsidiaries' holdings
- Liquidity and financial management in the group
- Renting and managing the real estate owned by the holding company
Thus, the newly created Kronplatz Group is optimally positioned for future challenges.