Bushfires Threaten Australian Ski Areas, Selwyn Destroyed

Bushfires Threaten Australian Ski Areas, Selwyn Destroyed

Bushfires have hit the Austrailan ski industry hard. One resort, Mt Selwyn as suffered extensive damage. In a statement they say:

"Selwyn Snow Resort has suffered extensive damage as a result of the recent fires. We are working closely with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and relevant agencies to arrange access to the resort, so we can fully assess the damage that has occurred.

"The safety of our staff is our highest priority, with all staff safely evacuated before the fire reached Selwyn Snow Resort.

"While we know the Selwyn community will be saddened by this news, it is important to remember that the fire situation is still active in the wider region.

"We can advise that NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff were able to access the resort yesterday.

"While we do not yet know the status of lifting and snowmaking infrastructure, we can confirm that the resort buildings have been severely damaged by the fire.

"The Blyton Group is committed to Selwyn Snow Resort and our focus now is on rebuilding an even better Selwyn. We look forward to working with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment and other relevant agencies in this process.

"We will update you with further information about the resort as it comes to hand."

Perisher reports:


“Fires remain active nearby and Perisher will see the threat remain for some time. Access to Perisher remains closed. It will be a challenging period ahead for all that are connected with Perisher. We will continue to work with the RFS, NPWS and all resort stakeholders to prepare and secure Perisher for further fire threats so we can protect both our community and resort assets over the coming weeks.”

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