SCGB Issues Consumer Research 2020
The Ski Club of Great Britain conducted the 8th SCGB Consumer Research Survey; with over 19,000 responses recorded. This exhaustive Consumer Research study allows us to understand and track trends in UK Snowsports, providing the largest piece of snowsports research in the UK. Most importantly, it has allowed us to understand consumers thoughts and intentions for the coming winter.
The headline finding was that over 96% of the respondents who skied last season (13,989 people) said they would go skiing next season, with 4% of the remaining 5% saying they would book the following year instead. This is fantastic news that there is still a big appetite from consumers to enjoy a winter holiday next year
Even more surprising, of the 2,983 people who’s break was affected last season, over 98% want to go skiing again next season; proving they are dedicated to the industry. In fact, Ski Club Freshtracks had to repatriate a group from Canazei, Italy by travel to Austria last season to get back to the UK. 90% of that group have rebooked onto the same holiday next year.
This market is dominated with enthusiasts with over 42% skiing more than 30 weeks in total. The majority of the market is that of those in the older age range, which may insulate the industry in the short term as over 75% of total wealth is owned by those aged 45-74, however it does show that long term the Ski industry has to recruit more ,younger, skiers/snow boarders.
The booking process findings are also intriguing. 43% of respondents said they book 6 months or more before travelling to their destination, with 36% booking their break at peak times and 16% booking in February half term. The survey found that 40% of the consumers book their ski holidays independently rather than through a tour operator. However, some encouraging news for the tour operator industry, 23% of the independent market said they are likely or highly likely to change their habit to booking with a tour operator or travel agent in the future.
France was the most popular ski destination with 40% of respondents saying they visited French ski resorts last season. Austria was next at 19% followed by Italy at 11%, Switzerland at 5% and 4% visiting Canada. France is certainly still the big heart of the European ski industry.
Lastly, it was discovered that the consumers were under no illusion as to the potential poorer economic future. However, the survey also shows that they themselves are cushioned from the worst affected with over 70% stating their financial situation will stay the same or get better over the next 12 months. Clearly this group are of those that are more financially resilient.
On top of this encouraging news and research, Ski Club have now launched their Freshtracks and Mountain Tracks holidays for the 2020/21 season, with a promise to refund in full if a holiday is cancelled by Ski Club due to Covid-19, giving people the confidence to book this year!
To view the full results of the Consumer Research Survey, please click here.
You can also find a full recording of the Consumer Research Presentation alongside the presentation slides here. You will also find an infographic produced by Wilddog showcasing the most important facts and figures from the Consumer Research Survey 2020.