SpareBank 1 Continues As The Main Partner For Troubled Norwegian Ski Federation’s Cross Country Unit

SpareBank 1 and the Norwegian Ski Association Cross-Country have signed a new cooperation agreement for the next two years, with the possibility of extension for another three years. The agreement has an economic value of NOK 10 million per year.

"We are pleased that we finally got an agreement that both parties are happy with, and that we can continue as the main sponsor of Norway's national sport. In a difficult time for the sport, it is important to be assured of continued efforts, both for elite and for breadth", says Richard Heiberg, Chairman of the Board of SpareBank 1 Gruppen.

"SpareBank i and Skiforbundet have a common desire to strengthen Norwegian cross-country in the time to come, and make an effort to increase recruitment and participation locally. National team athletes inspire both adults and children, contribute to good public health and emerge as good role models and role models. It is important for us to support the voluntary service and we do not fail when it is backwards . On the contrary - it is even more important for SpareBank 1 to participate, added Heiberg.

"SpareBank1 has for many years been a decisive supporter for Norwegian cross-country, both locally and nationally. In a difficult time for Norwegian sports and cross-country skiing, we are happy to continue the cooperation. It gives us security for further investment, and we look forward to jointly developing breadth and top in the years to come, says NSF cross-country manager Espen Bjervig.

Before Christmas last year, SpareBank 1 chose to end the negotiations on a renewed main sponsorship agreement. A few weeks ago the negotiations were resumed, and a new agreement is now in place.

"The profiles of the cross-country national team are good ambassadors who can support and inspire the commitment SpareBank 1 otherwise has in the field of cross-country sports in Norway. We have now found this a forward-looking form in our new agreement. We want to use the collaboration with NSF Cross-Country to motivate and recruit even more children and young people for play and learning on the trail. This will entail new projects and initiatives that strengthen recruitment and activities locally. At the same time, we continue the good cooperation on established and successful concepts such as the Exchange weekend, added Richard Heiberg.

The new agreement proposes a new market structure. Athletes have been given greater opportunity to sign private sponsorship agreements. At the same time, the old scholarship scheme for individual athletes is taken out. The collaboration with SpareBank 1 will be more about local activation and to strengthen projects that give more children and young people the opportunity to participate in sports.  

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