FIS Introduces Novel Coronavirus Information Hub
The restrictions imposed as a result of the Covid-19 Coronavirus require major changes to our daily lives, including the organisation of working structures and activities. In addition to the adaptations and decisions made and communicated by FIS, many National Ski Associations and other stakeholders are implementing changes to their organisational arrangements, team activities and athlete programmes.
To inform stakeholders about decisions taken in these challenging times and facilitate exchange between National Ski Associations, FIS has created a dedicated Novel Coronavirus Information Hub on its website.
Interested parties can find all FIS updates regarding the current Corona virus crisis in chronological order. Additionally, documents, for example regarding the FIS Anti-Doping programme and WADA information in Corona times are available.
A National Ski Association resource centre brings together the different messages, measures and actions taken by the National Ski Associations. FIS would like to encourage all member National Ski Associations to send links to their Corona-crisis resources to communications{at}, so that they can be included in the list as well.
As part of the FIS communications social media platforms, we will share posts and worthy initiatives by the athletes and other persons with actions supporting community efforts, as well as training sessions, tips and some other light-hearted moments