Big White Says Stay Away

On March 16th Peter Plimmer President & CEO of Big White Ski Resort Ltd. made the difficult decision to close the mountain for the remainder of the 2019/20 ski season due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Mr. Plimmer described this as "the hardest decision in my career". Under the advice of federal, provincial and municipal government bodies, Big White Ski Resort took the correct action to prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading in our community.
Closing the resort early was a difficult and important decision for the safety and good health of all guests, team members, and the Resort community as a whole. They are all passionate skiers and snowboarders so being unable to enjoy spring skiing is missed by all of those concerned.
They have addeded a statement to the effect of that closed means closed, saying:
"Please be informed that the mountain is closed and no access of any kind is permitted to the trails and/or areas within the controlled recreational boundary on Big White Mountain. With the exception of low impact activities such as dog walking and snowshoeing in the highlighted area on the map below. These activities are to be conducted during daylight hours only and done so at your own risk. Motorized vehicles are NOT permitted, and any access to terrain above the village is NOT permitted. For your safety, please do not access any terrain or trails above the village.
"Please exercise increased caution as avalanche data is no longer available and conditions change daily. Adding extra stress to our medical services and professionals while they are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic would be irresponsible of you, so please stay off the mountain. Our Prime Minster has requested that you "go home and stay home".
"Big White Ski Resort Ltd. has the authority granted by the Province of British Columbia and in accordance with our lease to prohibit access at our discretion and in the interest of public safety. If any members of the public need further explanation, contact our office Monday - Friday directly at 250-765-3101 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"At this time, Big White Ski Resort plans to open for summer on June 25, 2020, or at a time when it becomes safe to do so thereafter."