2020 Canadian Alpine Masters’ Team Announced
Alpine Canada has announced the 2020 Canadian Masters’ Alpine Team (CMAT). The criteria for qualifying for CMAT are:
- Minimum of 5 starts in any races scheduled on the 2018/19 Masters’ National Calendar for which World Cup points are awarded – see World Cup Points.
- Within the minimum five starts above, there must be starts in a minimum of two different regions listed on the Masters’ national calendar, for the current season. Regions: AB, BC-Coast, BC-Interior, Maritimes, MB, ON and QC.
- Must have a Master’s National or FIS card (weekend competitor cards do not qualify).
- Must be a Canadian citizen.
Winners are those with the highest total score of the racer’s 7 best results (minimum 5); 2 from each gender and age category i.e. 1 from the East and 1 from the West. In the event of a tie, both racers are selected.
Canadian Masters that participate in FIS races can also qualify for CMAT by participating in at least five FIS Masters’ races in a single season. Racers that have met these criteria must notify the President of the Masters’ Committee, by email, no later than April 15, by way of showing their names on at least five lists of results for the current season.
These criteria are designed to promote:
- Participation, both within and outside of each racer’s home region.
- Performance once these criteria have been met.
Racers who strive to obtain a spot on the CMAT do so for their own individual and personal reasons. However, each member of 2020 CMAT is to be commended on their participation and results, having met the criteria and excelling.
The following Masters met the criteria and had the top points within their age categories
Gender, Age Category, Name, Province (# years on CMAT)
- F75-79 WIEGELE Bonnie AB (8)
- F70-74 EDGAR Patty AB (7)
- F70-74 HOUDE Denyse ON (9)
- F65-69 FERA Joy BC (10)
- F60-64 COLLINS Irene AB (5)
- F60-64 FURSEY Wendy ON (7)
- F55-59 HARRISON Wendy BC (5)
- F55-59 SUNDBERG Hannele ON (8)
- F50-54 WOHLBERG Cynthia AB (3)
- F45-49 ELISSEEV Ekaterina AB (1)
- F40-44 MAMO Kareen QC (5)
- F35-39 RENTON Danielle AB (1)
- F35-39 ALLAIRE Martine QC (1)
- F30-34 SILK Tracy AB (2)
- F18-29 WOMACK Sandra AB (1)
- M75-79 IBLE Keith AB (5)
- M75-79 HOUDE Michael ON (9)
- M75-79 GODFREY Mark ON (1)
- M70-74 GŁODKIEWICZ Adam AB (4)
- M70-74 BÉGIN Pierre QC (8)
- M65-69 SULE William AB (2)
- M65-69 HANNA Terrence ON (3)
- M65-69 ROBBINS Mike* ON (2)
- M60-64 BEAUREGARD Philip BC (1)
- M60-64 RENAUD Vincent QC (6)
- M55-59 HARLEY Richard BC (3)
- M55-59 RICARD Stephane QC (3)
- M50-54 GEE Darren AB (5)
- M50-54 SOUTHWOOD Mike ON (2)
- M45-49 SMITH Dean AB (4)
- M45-49 SHAWYER Scott ON (2)
- M40-44 MCCLINTOCK Justin BC-I (2)
- M40-44 WALKER David ON (4)
- M35-39 BARTON Jason AB (9)
- M30-34 WOLFE GORDON Adam AB (2)
- M30-34 KNOX Jay ON (1)
* Participated in a minimum of five FIS Masters’ races