SE Group Projects Receive 2019 Vermont Public Places Awards

The Vermont Public Places Awards program recognizes special public spaces, the corridors that connect them, or networks of public spaces which have been defined or enriched by planning or design, as well as regulations that promote positive public uses and benefits.
Vermont Town Forest Recreation Planning Project | Honor Award
SE Group worked with VT Urban & Community Forestry Program (VT UCF) and an interagency working group to engage 10 Vermont communities in a robust planning process to develop action-based town forest recreation plans. A key outcome of the project was the development of the Vermont Town Forest Recreation Planning Toolkit, which provides guidance documents, designs, case studies, best practices, and standards that empower any town to complete the planning process on their own.
Underwood Park Master Plan | Merit Award
SE Group worked with the City of South Burlington to develop a master plan for the recently acquired Underwood Park. The innovative plan honors the legacy of the site while also addressing the communities needs for recreation, natural resource protection and restoration, and community events. Not every city park holds the potential for both working farm fields and a community event space in one package, and the SE Group was honored to work with the community to craft such a unique vision.
As the first consulting firm to focus on the planning, design and operation of ski areas, the company evolved into an internationally recognized innovator and leader in the mountain resort industry. Since that time, they have worked on thousands of mountain resort projects—in the United Stated and across the globe.
Over the past six decades, SE Group has evolved along with clients’ needs into a unique, multi-disciplinary planning and consulting firm, while staying true to fundamental values and passions.