Mammoth To Host 3rd Annual Mountain Ventures Summit
Mammoth is to host the 3rd Annual Mountain Ventures Summit on The Future of Mountain Communities from February 27 - March 1.
Three jam-packed days of adventure, insight, and tactical workshops to help you play a role in creating a better future for your community.
In a true "unconference" format, you will use the knowledge in the room to help identify best practices and new ideas for specific things that can help us make faster and more reliable progress in our mountain communities.
They will have breakout exercises and speakers around core topics including:
- The nuts and bolts of setting visions, getting buy in, and the execution of efforts such as:
- Coworking, accelerators, incubators, housing, broadband, venture capital funds, angel networks, events, working with governments, working with ski areas, avoiding small town politics, regional strategies, etc.
- Learning how to create an entrepreneurship ecosystem in your mountain town.
The goal is to learn from other communities and share experiences from your community. Creating alignment among geographic and functional efforts. No one is alone in their efforts, and together all can help this movement go even faster!
They say: "We are focused on building sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystems in mountain towns.The world of work is changing - people can work from anywhere and create companies with international reach from their coffee table - we (mountain towns) need to leverage this shift by attracting startups and smart/interesting people. If you can start a business from anywhere, why not start it steps from the ski slopes."
Sustainable Recreation: Both the draw and backbone of what brings people to mountain towns. How do we preserve, protect and leverage our natural resources in a responsible fashion?
Resort / Community Engagement
The Value of Trail Systems
Developing a Portfolio of Recreation Activities
The Value of Public / Public and Public / Private Partnerships
Thinking Regionally and Nationally
Managing Tourism and Resources
Understanding the Asset Valuation of Public Land
Infrastructure and Community: Infrastructure innovation in housing, broadband, and physical working space is critical for supporting entrepreneurial ecosystems. Creating and leveraging an entrepreneurial culture is essential to starting and maintaining a vibrant community.
Finding Solutions to a Housing Crisis
Giving a Voice via Civic Leadership
Transportation Vision
Integrating Science in the Community
Bringing Broadband to Life
Why a Ski Resort Invested in CoWorking
Innovation and Investment: Most mountain communities are dependent on snow fall and tourism to sustain their economic vitality. How do we create the third leg of that stool and galvanize our communities around supporting innovative businesses to relocate, stay and grow?
Developing Incubators & Accelerators
Creating Foundations
Attracting Startups
Regional Relationships
Accessing Opportunity Zones
All keynotes and breakout sessions are held in the Mountainside Conference Center at Mammoth Mountain’s Main Lodge.
8am - 12pm - Open Ski and Activity Time
12pm - 1pm - Open Lunch / Networking
1-1:50pm - Opening Remarks & Keynote - From Tourist Destination to Vibrant Community (Chris McNamara)
2-2:50pm - Breakout Session #1
Understanding & Communicating Your Story (Infrastructure & Community)
Welcome to Sustainable Recreation (Sustainable Recreation)
Lessons from Building an Innovation Ecosystem in a Surf Town (Innovation & Investment)
3-3:50pm - Breakout Session #2
Creative Solutions to Housing Issues - Utilizing Vacant Real Estate (Infrastructure & Community)
Anticipating (Eagerly) My Recreation Experience (Sustainable Recreation)
4:10-5pm - Breakout Session #3 - MCC
Creative Solutions to Housing Issues - Using the Benefit Corporation Model (Infrastructure & Community)
Putting a Value on Sustainable Recreation and Natural Resources (Sustainable Recreation)
5:10-6pm - Breakout Session #4 - MCC
Broadband via Public/Private Partnership (Infrastructure & Community)
Building Sustainable Regions (Sustainable Recreation)
From Angel Groups to Venture Funds - How to Organize Your Capital Community (Innovation & Investment)
6pm - 9pm - Dinner - Yodler Bar & Restaurant
8am - 12pm - Open Ski and Activity Time
12pm - 1pm - Open Lunch / Networking
1pm - 1:50pm - Keynote- Measuring a Mountain Town Quality of Life (Colleen Dalton)
2pm - 2:50pm - Breakout Session #1
Integrating Science & Education in the Community (Infrastructure & Community)
Building Sustainable Trail Systems (Sustainable Recreation)
3pm - 3:50pm - Breakout Session #2
Creative Solutions to Transportation Issues (Infrastructure & Community)
Sustainable Gateway Communities Through Non-Profit/Government Partnerships (Sustainable Recreation)
The Power of Adventure in Growing the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (Innovation & Investment)
4:10pm - 5pm - Breakout Session #3
How Strong Leadership Creates Great Communities (Infrastructure & Community)
Sustainable Recreation: Working with Public Land Managers (Sustainable Recreation)
Rightsizing Investment Structures to Fit Mountain & Rural Communities: Strategies from a VC in a Mountain Town (Innovation & Investment)
5:10pm - 6pm - Breakout Session #4
How Diversity Manifests in a Mountain Town and Entrepreneurs (Infrastructure & Community)
Social Media & Technology with a Sustainable Recreation Lens (Sustainable Recreation)
Consulting Mountain Entrepreneurs (Innovation & Investment)
5:30pm - 7pm - Open Dinner
7pm - 9pm - The Future of a Mountain Town: A Community Dialogue- Canyon Lodge Grizzly Theatre (free & open to the public)
Public Reception and Mountain Town Presentation - Canyon Lodge Grizzly Theater
7am - 9am - Breakfast Buffet - Mountainside Conference Center
8:00am - 8:50am - Breakout Session #1
How We Got the Ski Resort to Invest in a Coworking Space (Infrastructure & Community)
Public/Public Partnerships - The Eastern Sierra Sustainable Recreation Partnership (Sustainable Recreation)
Running a Startup Accelerator - A Tactical Playbook on Leading a Session for Startups In Your Hometown (Innovation & Investment)
9:00am - 9:50am - Breakout Session #2
Community Building You Can Do Now That You Have a Coworking Space (Infrastructure & Community)
Sustainable Advocacy (Sustainable Recreation)
Creating an Angel Group or Syndicate - From Legal Entities to Proper Diligence (Innovation & Investment)
10:00am - 10:50am - Breakout Session #3
Rural Intellectualism & Contemporary Art (Infrastructure & Community)
Access & Equity in Outdoor Sustainable Recreation (Sustainable Recreation)
Evolution of an Entrepreneur in a Ski Town (Innovation & Investment)
11:00am - 11:50am - Breakout Session #4
Outdoor Sports Events & Involvement of Pro Athletes to Build Community (Infrastructure & Community)
Creating a California Office of Sustainable Recreation (Sustainable Recreation)
1pm - 1:50pm - Closing Remarks & Keynote- Opportunity Zones & Rebirth of a Mountain Town (Greg Carter)
1pm - 4pm - Open Ski and Activity Time