Cool Meets Cause - Pro Snowboarders Provide Youth With Opportunity To Snowboard

Minneapolis receives an average of 55 inches of snow each winter, and due to the high cost of lift tickets, transportation and snowboarding gear, many kids living there never have the opportunity to snowboard – until local pro snowboarders Joe Sexton and Jake Olson-Elm decided to use their time, connections and resources to start a new program called Cool Meets Cause. By breaking down the barrier of cost, the group provides the opportunity for underrepresented youth to discover snowboarding and see how it can change their lives for the positive.
“It’s really awesome to see the kids ride down the hill for their first time with a huge smile on their face,” said Jake Olson-Elm. “The kids are so inspiring. They want to hit jumps, and do big airs right away, but I just tell them that someday we will get there! I love their passion”
“Snowboarding has given Jake and I so much; lots of fun, careers, great friends and unbelievable experiences. We want to give kids the opportunity to discover something so great that could change their lives for the positive,” said Joe Sexton.
Sexton and Olson-Elm really want to provide kids with the chance to discover snowboarding and see how it can change their lives for the positive. They also want to promote outdoor activity and an active lifestyle.
The 1817 brand has been around for years, and snowboarders know it for the spooky vibe, the snowboard park, video parts and limited apparel runs. Joe and Jake are using everything they built with the 1817 Park for their new Cool Meets Cause program.
Joe and Jake teamed up with Anthony Taylor, director of Loppet Foundation, to create Cool Meets Cause and the 1817 Park at Trail Head, which are dedicated to creating a space where all are welcomed and encouraged to snowboard at an affordable cost. Cool Meets Cause is operating as a part of the Cultural Wellness Center, and more information about this local non-profit is here:
Cool Meets Cause needs used snowboarding gear for teaching the kids to ride. Right now, you can help by donating your old gear and get a 10 percent discount at Urban Outfitters. Last Saturday, there was an event at the Mall of America Urban Outfitters, it will continue to accept donations for the entire month of February.
For the latest on 1817 and Cool Meets Cause, connect them here:
- Twitter/Instagram: @1817_
- YouTube:
- Loppet Foundation and Cultural Wellness Center: