Olympic Channel Improves Experience

Following its launch two years ago, the Olympic Channel is making great strides toward its primary goal of promoting the excitement of the Olympic Games and the values of the Olympic Movement all year round to new generations.
As it continues to grow and evolve, a wide range of updates and improvements to the global digital platform are about to be implemented to improve the user experience and to remain competitive in today’s ever-changing media landscape.
The soon-to-be released revised platform has been thoughtfully designed to deliver a better overall user experience and user interface to fans, viewers and stakeholders. The changes are expected to result in increased audience engagement leading to further exposure and value for the entire Olympic Family.
On the front end, users will see updated editorial designs and new and enhanced features throughout the platform including a new layout highlighting original programming, enhanced search capabilities, easy access to new interactive content and text-based feature pages, additional options for personalisation and automated recommendations and the integration of a sports data warehouse.