Samppa Seppala Returns To Lead Amer Sports Corporate Communications And Investor Relations

As Päivi Antola continues her career outside Amer Sports, Samppa Seppälä has taken charge of Amer Sports corporate communications and investor relations. He acted as Antola’s substitute during her maternity leave in 2013–2014.

“It is great to be back”, says Seppälä. “Amer Sports is such a fascinating outdoor and sporting goods company with internationally recognized brands and a global reach.”

“I am happy to see that the solid cornerstones of Amer Sports – strong brands, impressive heritage in sports equipment and insight how to grow in softgoods – have not changed. However, during my absence the company has picked up speed and accelerated its businesses with a clear direction, while focusing on solid, profitable growth.”

“We have now announced the first quarter results, and next we will be meeting investors in London. Shortly we are also kicking off the preparations for the Capital Markets Day to be held this year in early September.”

The Amer Sports corporate communications and IR team runs and develops dialogue with diverse stakeholder groups, from employees to investors, and takes also charge for corporate responsibility and media relations. The work is firmly based on Amer Sports’ strategy.

“We will definitely continue to communicate how the implementation of our strategy is proceeding. What comes to investor relations practices, Amer Sports has proven tools and processes in place. Of course, we also continuously strive for improvement.”

Seppälä believes that face-to-face meetings will remain a crucial part of the IR work also in the future.

“Starting from our website, there is a lot of relevant information available about Amer Sports as an investment case. However, many analysts and investors still want to discuss the market development and company execution with the management and also meet the persons behind the strategy and the numbers. Beyond all the facts and figures, this is a people business.”

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