Peak Resorts Aim To Make Learning Fun, Affordable & Convenient Across Northeast Resorts

Peak Resorts is pleased to announce a brand new learning program that is both affordable and convenient to those looking to learn how to ski or ride. The three (3) visit Peak Discovery Program, valid for ages 13 and older, is now available to purchase for $99 at all Northeast Peak Resorts including Attitash, Wildcat & Crotched Mountains in New Hampshire; Mount Snow, Vermont; Hunter Mountain in New York, and Jack Frost Big Boulder in PA.
The Peak Discovery Program is different from many other learning programs in that it provides participating guests the opportunity to learn a new sport with the additional benefit of taking their lessons at multiple resort locations.
"Our award-winning learning experience coupled with our convenient locations across multiple metropolitan areas offers a unique opportunity for the new skier/snowboarder. Our goal is to introduce people to a sport that they and their families can enjoy for a lifetime", stated Russ Coloton, GM & VP of Hunter Mountain who spearheaded the program.
For only $99 a Discovery Program participant will be given a membership card that affords them a group lesson, equipment rentals and helmet as well as a lift ticket for three (3) visits at any of the participating resorts.
"I'm really excited about this program," stated Erik Barnes, the new General Manager at Mount Snow.
Barnes, who has been an examiner for the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA) for over 17 years, added "Each of our resorts has a staff of dedicated instructors who introduce thousands of guests to the sport each year. Their goal is to make sure that everyone has fun while learning to ski and ride."
Once a guest 'graduates' from the 3-lesson program they will have an opportunity to add three additional visits to their card for $99 more.
"We want to remove as many barriers as possible to those wishing to try our sport," added Coloton. "That includes not only the cost but accessibility and convenience too!"
The program is now available for purchase on all Peak Resorts websites and at the resorts themselves for $99 until December 24, 2017. After that prices increase to $139.