Women’s Summit 2018 To Return To Squaw Valley USA

As winter descends upon the Sierras, top female ski and snowboard pros are preparing to educate and inspire industry women at the annual Women’s Summit on March 19-21, 2018. This national event is organized by leaders in the Professional Ski Instructors of America – Western Division. The Summit is endorsed by the United States Ski & Snowboard Association (USSA) and the National Ski Patrol (NSP).
The Summit provides opportunities for industry professionals to train with elite coaches, share ideas, influence the future, and network with women colleagues in cross-industry fields from across the globe. Heidi Ettlinger, the Women’s Summit creator and coordinator, and PSIA National Alpine Team member, explained that despite inroads made by many women in the snowsports industry to top positions, the industry still needs diversity particularly in leadership roles. She noted that, “Not only was the coaching staff an inspiration to help women visualize a pathway to pursuing their goals, our speakers offered a wealth of knowledge and encouragement for women to think optimistically about their potential.” The event offers female pros a unique and diverse perspective on how to develop women’s participation as professionals in the snowsports industry.
The Summit’s mission extends past the slopes and the classroom, addressing the current political, social, and cultural trends embracing women’s initiatives globally by sowing the seeds for creating diversity in leadership platforms and support systems.
“Change is happening, but there is still a disparity in snowsports and we need to bring more women into the circle,” says Carol Levine, trainer and instructor for Squaw Valley Ski and Snowboard School, former collegiate ski coach and two-term member of the PSIA National Alpine Team. “With the Women’s Summit, Heidi Ettlinger and others are creating an impressive national endeavor that will help filter more women into the positions of trainers, examiners and management -- and she has broadened the base by inviting NSP and USSA to participate.”
Levine, a strong advocate for mentorship, advocates another Summit goal, one of providing the opportunity for participants to discover professional and personal growth as they expand their role and influence, in turn becoming mentors and role models for women and girls at home.