Ragged Mountain Begins Construction To Expand Snowmaking Pond From 4 To 24 Million Gallon Capacity

Ragged Mountain Resort received its alteration of terrain permit and immediately began construction on a large scale project to add water storage to increase snowmaking capacity five-fold. As the machinery started to rumble and large back loaders dug into what will be the expansion of an old snowmaking pond, Ragged Mountain General Manager, Ryan Schramm explained, “This expansion will add 20 million gallons to the current 4 million gallon pond

allowing us to more readily open terrain in the early season so we can help out Mother Nature when we

need to.” The new 24 million gallon pond will feed into an existing 10 million gallon pond at the base of the mountain.

Along with the expansion of the snowmaking pond, Schramm also addressed some other improvements on hill to enhance the snowmaking capabilities. “We have installed several new pipes on key trails this summer, creating a more efficient system so our team can make snow on beginner terrain that is essential in the early season and for our new Free Learn to Ski and Ride Program.”

Ben Hall, Marketing Manager at Ragged Mountain, added, “For years Ragged Mountain has been known by the locals as the place to go for its variety of terrain:  top-to-bottom beginner trails, open cruiser

runs, and expert glades. When it snows, this place is hard to beat. The major increase in snowmaking

capacity will help us provide the classic New England ski experience when the snow isn’t falling and in the early parts of the season.  Don’t get me wrong, we’re all still going to be doing our snow dance this year to appease Ullr and the other snow gods,” Hall noted, “But, we also want to stack the odds in our favor, just in case our dance isn’t enough.”

Located in Danbury, New Hampshire just 98 miles from downtown Boston, Ragged Mountain Resort is situated on 2,100 acres on beautiful Ragged Mountain in the Lake’s Region. Ragged Mountain has 57 named ski trails, miles of hiking trails on-site, and plans for further expansion.

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